Access to Medicines: Why Should Feminists Care?
Извор: WUNRN – 17.09.2021
Direct Link to Full 9-Page 2021 Document
Perhaps one of the main reasons feminists should care about access to medicines (A2M) is that we have been caught short by the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of both analysis and mobilising for action and advocacy. The pandemic has become the crucible in which global and local inequalities, weak health systems, and colossal failures of governance have bubbled and risen to the surface to affect almost everyone, everywhere. For feminists, the lens of toxic and persistent gender power inequalities and injustices highlights why we need to pay particular attention. Indeed, we should have done so long ago. No issue combines such a toxic brew of global political economy, corporate power and interests, technology, law, and human rights in the way A2M does. But feminists, with a few exceptions, have been slow to enter this fray in the past for a variety of reasons.