Women & Water: Intertwined
Direct Link to Full 8-Page Publication: WomenAndWaterPolicyBrief.pdf (bricsfeministwatch.org)
Water is a human lifeline! Water has also been recognised as a human right and the right to water includes rights to receive safe, affordable, and clean accessible water and sanitation services. It is a critical natural resource which underpins all social and economic activities by sustaining livelihoods and is seen as the basis for social and economic development, including the achievement of many of the SDGs. Conversely, water insecurity presents an immense hindrance to poverty reduction and sustainable development in the coming decades. One third of the world’s population is currently experiencing some kind of physical or economic water scarcity. A growing competition for water from different sectors, including industry, agriculture, power generation, domestic use, and the environment, is making it difficult for poor people to access this scarce resource for productive, consumptive and social uses. This particularly affects poor rural people, especially women. Managing disparities in access and availability of water effectively and fairly constitutes one of the great imperatives of governance and water resource management. Everyone, including the private sector, agrees in principle with people’s needs and claims for adequate water. However, making this a reality for all continues to be a challenge.
Извор: WUNRN – 12.03.2024