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Women Health Workers: Ending Sexual Exploitation, Abuse & Harassment

Direct Link to Full 34-Page 2022 Report: WGH-Her-Stories-SEAH-Report_Policy-Report-Dec-2022.pdf (

This report is dedicated by the WGH movement to the millions of women in the health sector who work every day to keep us healthy and safe. We acknowledge their expertise, dedication, the value of their work and their right to work with dignity free from violence, sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. As a movement, WGH advocates for a new social contract for all women health workers based on safe, decent and equal work, including equality in leadership and decision-making and fair pay. We call for an immediate end to work-related sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment and all forms of violence against women working in the health sector. We thank the women health workers from all over the world who shared their stories with us for this policy report. This is their story.

Извор: WUNRN – 22.12.2022

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