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Ageism & Societal Response to Population Ageing – Ageing Women

Извор: WUNRN – 01.03.2020 Global reach of ageism on older persons’ health: A systematic review FULL STUDY - – January 15, 2020 Conclusions: The current analysis which included over 7 million participants is the most comprehensive review of health…


Menopause – End the Taboo & The Silence

Извор: WUNRN – 23.02.2020 Menopause: The Taboo Topic We Need To Talk About Between sexism and ageism, menopause gives rise to many stereotypes that have consequences for women’s private and professional lives. By Marine Le Breton - HuffPost France March…


Global Health Security Index 2019 Report

Извор: WUNRN 07.02.2020 Biological threats—natural, intentional, or accidental—in any country can pose risks to global health, international security, and the worldwide economy. Because infectious diseases know no borders, all countries must prioritize and exercise the capabilities required to prevent, detect,…

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